
Hi everyone, I'm going to talk a little bit about the moon. So take a little research on the moon. To explain convincingly. MIT scientists suggest that the Moon, in its early stages, orbited elliptically, not circular, and would resonate, that is, for every three rotations on the axis the satellite completed two orbits. The Moon would have remained in this resonance for some hundreds of millions of years, until the forces of the tides slowed its rotation until the present resonance circulates. MEANINGS: MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

trip to mars

Hi, I'll tell you a little bit about the trip to Mars and the discoveries: A cold and deserted world, Mars is the fourth planet in the Solar System. Like the Earth, it also has seasons, polar caps, volcanoes and gorges, but the possibility of liquid water on its surface still divides scientists .
Hi guys today I came to talk a little about Mother's Day so some things that involves science like a kiss from a mother can heal the baby. A research from the University of Pittsburgh, United States, has discovered something that many mothers and fathers already suspected: the kiss of the parents can help to reduce the pain of a bruise! "We conducted a study with 248 children who had minor knocks or grated the arm or leg. We found that children who received a kiss from their parents in the area of ​​the injury had a greater and faster decrease of pain than those children who received homeopathic remedies, "said study author Dr. Francis Campbell.
Hi everyone, I'm going to tell you a little bit about my holiday that was not very good because I got sick with a fever, a pain in the throat and I did not do anything because I was very weak so there's not much I can explain from my holiday that was me lie in bed People today was just that because I did not have a good holiday so I'm sorry for not having much to tell you was more, that was a huge kiss in the heart of each one.